Sweet Bee the Toddler

Things continue to be crazy, so I assume this is just how life is going to be for awhile. So, we must adjust. I know I’m behind on posts guys, but I’m working on it!

On today’s post, I’m going to be a bit sentimental. Almost two weeks ago, we celebrated our sweet little Bee turning one. 1!! I can’t believe it’s been a year since God blessed us with that little monkey. (Birthday party posts are in the works and coming soon I promise!!) Well, last Saturday she hit another big milestone. She woke up and made a big decision. She decided to walk. I know, I’ve talked about her walking or taking her first steps before. But I mean she walked. And hasn’t stopped. So, we officially have a toddler. Toddler. I can’t wrap my head around that. It makes me sad, but so proud of her too.

Rocking the overalls too, right? So cute!

Something that I find even sweeter is Justin. He is so proud of her and loves to see her toddle over to him when he gets home from work. But he has been hit with how fast she’s growing up. And he is…sad? Maybe not the right word for it. But he is so sweet with her. He can’t get enough of her sweet loving cuddles and  loves hearing her say “Dada”. He is the best daddy ever. And he’s as sentimental about our sweet Bee as me. Which is nice to know and see.

He gets all the sweet cuddles!!

So, Bee, is a one year old toddler. Oh, and we are officially not people, just Bee’s parents. 🙂

Have a great day!



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