Fat Out Honest…Overdue Update

It’s been awhile but I’m attempting to carve out some time for something of my own. I’ve hit some huge milestones in my weight since last posting. Not only have I hit the goal of 170, I’ve also went below! My current weight is 166.8. That’s smaller than before I was when I got pregnant. How pumped am I? Super pumped!!

I have started using my fitness pal app on my iPhone . It makes it much easier to track my food, my burned calories, and my weight. It’s actually what helped me drop the last few pounds. My sister started using the app too, and has done really well. But has recently gotten a bit down, and discouraged. So today I want to encourage her and everyone else to keep working hard. It is hard, I know it. But just keep pushing and you will hit your goals!!!

Fat Out Honest: Goal Met, New Set!

Justin and I have become big watchers of The Biggest Loser.Yes I know. We’re what, eight or ten years/seasons behind. That’s why Netflix is great!  We really like the show, and man does it make you want to become healthy. It makes me realize and focus on the unhealthy things that I do everyday. And it makes me want to become the healthiest I can be for my family and for myself.

On that note, I have a new goal met and a new goal set!! I can’t believe it! So excited.

Okay, breathe. I have hit a big goal! What is that? You know it.

New weight: 175 lbs

Woohoo!! So excited! Now, hitting that goal just means I saw it on the scale. But that means a new goal was set.

New goal: 170 lbs

That is my pre-baby weight. And I really want to hit it. The great thing is that I weighed in this morning and what did the scale say?

Today’s weight: 174.2 lbs

Boy, was I excited! Haven’t seen that weight in…well over a year now. Way, way over a year. But I am going to keep chugging along. It’s never easy, but I know that I will be able to do it.

For a note of encouragement to you, remember that you can do it! Trust me, I know that it’s not easy to push past the feelings of tiredness and give yourselves a few minutes to focus on you. I know being a parent and a wife or husband, working, cleaning up the house, all of it makes it hard to do what it takes to become the healthy person we all need to be. But, remember that in taking those few minutes, you can become the best parent or wife that you can be. And I know that everyone in your life that loves you knows that it’s worth it.  You are meant to take care of yourself and to be the best you can to take care of all that God has blessed you with.

Fat Out Honest…Kind Of Sort Of Update

I have been a straggler when it comes to keeping up with my Fat Out Honest posts. Not to say I haven’t been keeping it in mind day to day. I have tried to eat pretty good, keep my steps up, you know how it works.

My weight has not increased…which is great!! But sadly, it hasn’t decreased. Staying steady at 176-177. It makes me a bit frustrated, but I know if I suck it up and start working on it, I can do it.

I know I have been stuck here for a bit, but it’s mostly me. I can’t help but want some chocolate here and there…or more than here or there. Why is it so good??

With the weather coolin’ off, or really it’s not, we’re just sucking it up and dealing with it, we have been going on more walks. Almost every night. Which I love doing. It is time for us to just breathe and calm down, get some talking in, catch up on everything. Plus it gets lots of steps in. 😉

I am still not moving like I should on my weight, but it’s my fault. So, for all of you struggling, stick to it! It’s my own fault, not anyone else’s. You can do it, just don’t lose focus! I know you can make it to your goal!

Only 7lbs til my goal!! Whoot whoot! Staying positive!!

Fat Out Honest Splurge

I’m down a pound!!

To lots of people, that may not seem like much. But considering I have had to cut back on exercising, I am extremely excited to be that low.

Now this is a late Fat Out Honest update. I actually managed to hit this new level last week. Here is the numbers!

Previous weight (as of 7/2) : 179.2 lbs
New weight (as of 7/11) : 178.2 lbs

That is a whole pound down! Super great!!

Now for the honesty on what I’ve been doing. I posted my Fat Out Honest Plan.

I can say that I have followed all my rules…although my splurge was basically a weekend long thing. When visiting family that’s how it is, right?
There is good news in it though. Even with a splurge weekend, I went no higher than 180 lbs.  That is another WOOHOO!! I have officially gotten below 180 lbs when that is my splurge weight. So, that’s another goal met.

So, set your achievable goals and celebrate when you meet it!! I know I am!!

Good luck!!

Weakness or Strength??

Everyone is getting into the conversation now. Not just the gossip center…the rest of the population. Even actresses are speaking out against the ridiculous standards set for them and everyone else to live up to. And not just on a day to day basis, but in situations such as having kids.


Is this healthy?

Now, I’ve talked on here before about the impossible standards we feel we have to live up to when it comes to our bodies. It seems that if we show any sign of weakness in our bodies, then it’s bad. We are supposed to be super skinny, not healthy. Or we’re supposed to be ripped, which may be healthy but isn’t always an achievable goal…or may not even be one that we want to set for ourselves.

I don’t want to live up to anyone’s standards except my own. What would be the point? I know my limits, no one else does. Here Kate Beckinsale talks about what she feels about the pressure put on new moms to look like they didn’t even have a kid. How is that fair? While flipping through blogs, I saw this. Women who are showing the world exactly what they look like, no holds barred. That takes guts.

Is this the goal we should set?

So, with all these opinions that others have for each one of us to live up to, I have decided to have a motto…well, actually it’s a verse. I found a verse that fits the theme of my blog.

But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.  For each one shall bear his own load.  
Galatians 6:4-5

This is perfect, not only for my blog, but for me. I want to teach my kids that they shouldn’t judge themselves by what their friends have or do. They need to stay focused on what God wants for them. Which is something we all need to do. To remember what’s important.

So is it showing weakness or strength by not being super skinny or ripped? Is it weakness or strength that keeps me from following in the footsteps of so many other women? I think it shows strength. Strength to be my own person, set my own standards. How many people can say that they do that? It should be more, that’s for sure.

What about you? Will you choose to bear your own load? Will you choose strength?




We hear this word used for so many things. But many don’t think about it in relation to trying to lose weight. But I would have to say they are wrong.

Do you tell anyone how much you weigh? Or do you weigh alone and tell no one, like it’s a big secret no one can ever know?

I’ve announced on here my weight. Pretty regularly actually, at least once a week. Why? Because it’s how I stay honest with myself. I use this blog to help hold me accountable. I also make sure to tell Justin how much I weigh. Which used to bother me, but now I actually write it on the dry erase board in the living room where anyone who comes over can see it.

Does the thought of that scare you? Do you even tell your husband (or wife) what you weigh? I know many of you probably don’t. But without Justin, I probably would still be about 10-15 lbs heavier than  I am right now. All during pregnancy, I wanted to eat. But Justin kept me from going overboard. Well, until the last trimester and then I couldn’t be stopped. Then after having Bee, I was really down about my weight. I felt stuck, because after having her, I was only down to 206. I felt like I should have lost a lot more right from the beginning. But Justin kept pushing me and encouraging me. I’m not saying it was easy. I fought him, I cried, I would get mad at him. But he wanted what’s best for me, and that is to be healthier. He also knew that until I got down closer to my pre-pregnancy weight, I was going to be unhappy.

I’m not saying you have to choose your spouse as your accountability partner. But for me, who do I trust the most and who will push me the hardest? There was only one person who I knew would do that and more. And that is Justin. I needed him and he was there for me. I have come so far and you can too.

So this is what you need to do.

  1. Be honest with yourself. Weigh in, and write it down in a place you will see regularly. On the fridge, in the bathroom, on your phone. It doesn’t matter. Just make sure you see it and are conscious of it.
  2. Be honest with someone else. Ask yourself these questions: Who do I trust the most? Who will push me, even when I get mad or cry? Who wants what’s best for me? When you figure out the answer, go to that person and ask them to be your accountability or, like for me, my FAT OUT HONEST partner.
  3. Set achievable goals. Pick a 5 lb goal. Although my overall goal is my pre-pregnancy weight of 170lbs, my current goal is 175lbs. Setting mini-goals allows little wins that encourage you to keep going. I’ve even set small rewards. When I hit 180lbs, I got a new pair of jeans. It makes you feel better to have clothes that fit, and to see the smaller sizes as you lose the weight.
  4. Stay constantly honest and aware. If you have a bad day, don’t give up. I weigh every day, even though many say not to. Some days I weigh higher than others. I keep my lowest weights written on our dry erase board so that I see my progress. I have also kept a food and exercise journal. I don’t mean you have to be crazy about writing down everything. But until you really get going, you need to keep track of what you eat. It makes you more aware of what you eat and how many calories go into each thing. I’ve gotten to where I don’t do that as much, but it helped me notice my food intake a lot more. Keeping track of my steps for each day and how far I’ve run or exercised keeps you on track with calories burned or just aware of what you are really doing.
  5. Have a Splurge. I don’t mean go crazy and eat 3000 calories in one day. But if you want something sweet, eat a small something sweet. But wait 20 or 30 minutes after dinner before you do. You might surprise yourself and end up not wanting it at all or wanting much less. But even if you have a bigger portion that you probably should, it’s ok. As long as it’s not everyday. But giving yourself those little things that you crave as you go keeps you from over indulging when you finally get it.

If you are nervous about approaching others with your weight, start small. Leave a comment with your weight in it, along with your story. Just take a small step, and it will help you get going.

I’m not a doctor. I am just a mom, wife, and woman. I am not in perfect shape. I eat sweets and carbs, I don’t exercise everyday. But I am happy with my body. I think that’s the important thing. I am healthy and happy. And I want other women to feel the same way.

You Look Really Skinny Today

Boy, oh boy! Justin made my day yesterday. First thing he said when he came in the house after work was…

“You look really skinny today.”

How good is that to hear? I know it made me feel good. Especially since when it comes down to it, I haven’t been very good when it comes my weight. I mean, I have been careful about eating. And by careful, I mean that I have eaten basically what I want, just not overeating. I’ve been to a party with friends and we ate tons of food. I just didn’t eat til I was sick, which is a surprise because I usually do.

So, I have to say that Justin was right. I weighed in this morning at:

Weight as of 7/2: 179.2 lbs

which is the lowest weight as of yet that I can remember, since Bee that is. I have to say that my running has been….well, almost non-existent.

But really, when I have to choose between running and spending time with my hubby and our monkey…is there really a choice? Not for me! I have talked before about my selfishness when it comes to Justin, and I have to say that this has become something we have had to work on again. Since starting our blogs, we have had less time with each other. So cutting back on my running is something I’m willing to do for us.


Tonight, I am going to run again. Or that’s my goal. I really want to keep up my running and exercising. It makes me feel better and keeps me in a better mood, which is better for my family. 🙂

Stay happy and healthy!

Are You Trash?

How do you think you look?

I don’t mean right now. I don’t really mean any specific time. I mean, in general, what is your opinion of you.

Can you look at yourself, naked, in a mirror, and say “Yea, I look pretty dang good!” ? Or do you cringe and wrap a towel around you?


If I’m being honest (and since this is my blog, I do believe I have to be honest) I would say I’m somewhere in the middle. I can stand, naked, in front a mirror. I can look at myself without cringing. But I think I see more of the bad things than the good. I see stretch marks from having a baby, I see a bit of baby pooch still, I see pale skin, I see pores and pimples.

Now, look at your significant other. When you look at them, what do you see? I see his broad shoulders, his smile… and all other things that I love about him. (This is a G-rated site, no in-depth studies of what I love about my hubby’s body allowed here…sorry ladies! )

We are our harshest judge. We see even the good things as bad. Justin said he noticed my legs first when he first saw me. I don’t even like my legs. I think my thighs are too thick and my butt is big. Although, of all things, I have to say having a bigger butt isn’t the worst. But, we never see the good.

Now that I’m a mom, I get scared. That I won’t teach her what she needs to know, that I will totally screw her up. But something that scares me, is exactly this. How will she view herself?

We use models and movie stars as the people that we want to look like. Models who are built like pre-teen boys and stars who stay 10 or 20 lbs too thin so when they are in front of the camera, they will look normal. Normal! As in, someone that eats and enjoys life. Not someone who picks at a salad and spends 12 hrs a day in a gym.

Now, I know anyone following my Fat Out Honest posts, may think I’m being hypocritical. But I’m not. I want to be healthy. I want to live a long life, where I get to enjoy Justin and our kids, along with the rest of our family. And I want our daughter, possibly multiple daughters, to see their bodies as beautiful, not to be picked apart and dissected to make “better”.

We use pictures of EXTREMELY fit women to encourage us. If only...No equipment workout

But I think this is a bad idea. It’s setting us up to meet standards that aren’t always the best ones for us. Not only that, but why do we have to look like this? Does it make them more beautiful? No. I really don’t think it does.

Justin actually told me that he doesn’t want me to look like this. He wants me to feel like a woman, not hard like a man. I think that makes me blessed, to have a man who wants me to be exactly who I am.

So what will my answer be to my daughter when she says she isn’t beautiful, or that something is wrong with her body?

God doesn’t make trash. Who are we to question Him?

Be proud of your body.

Be healthy, be strong, be a woman.


Fat Out Honest…Heating Up

Boy oh boy! When I first started running, I wrote a post about first steps. I knew it would get easier the more I ran.

But for the last week, it has been like I just started all over again. It’s amazing how the heat can change everything. Living in the South, during the summer, changes everything.

Don’t get me wrong. Living in the South my whole life has acclimated me to the heat. I mean, it’s been warm since April, possibly even March. But it’s just now that it’s gotten hot enough to matter. And by hot, I mean Southern hot. Humid, air so thick you can’t breathe.

So, I had to come up with a new plan. Running in the morning, when Bee finally decides to get out of bed, wasn’t working. So now, it’s night time running time! Which is nice, although I have to be a big less selfish with my hubby. 😦 But, all in all, it worked out last night.

I didn’t push myself overly hard. I ran a little over a mile. Which, after running that last week and feeling like I’m being tortured, last night felt terrific! I also wasn’t pushing Bee’s stroller, so it felt like I had lost some weight. But sadly, my weight is stubbornly staying at 179-180 lbs. I’m trying to stay positive, but my positive attitude is running low.

Weight (still) : 179-180 lbs

Run: a little over 1 mile (stupid heat)

I need some help guys! What do you do when you’re low on gumption? Because I’m below low… Give me your ideas!


Fat Out Honest

Well, as promised, I climbed on the scale as soon as Bee started hollering for me to get out of bed…around 7:30-ish. Got to love her getting older, which means me getting to sleep more. 🙂 The result of the scale trek?

Weight: 182.8 lbs

Not very positive. But I think that is the point of this blog. To keep my eyes open so I can’t fool myself into thinking, “Hey, it’s just a bad day, I’ll do better later”. Because let’s face it. We never do better later. But writing this, posting very publicly what I weigh, makes me aware all the time of what I eat, what I cook/bake, keeps me running and moving, and all this will make me healthier. So cheers to that!